Wednesday, March 4, 2015

update 3-4-2015

Chestnut pool:

    The landscape plan for the pool has shown and the reaction favorable. The next set is to request
money to buy plant material for May 15 delivery .($6,300)


    JR has requested the swing set be moved. I have shown Enrique the chosen spot, behind
the chicken pen.
     The raised bed which are presently where the swing set will go will be moved to the spot formerly occupied by the swings.
     The fire pit also needs to be move away from the pool, and will be relocated on a flat area
up the hill from its present  location.

Dog park:

      I have ordered the waste container for the park, and am getting bids for the fence ( flat black color, 4 foot height.
       Enrique will begin the clean up and removal of the existing wooden fence as soon as the weather
permits. Mulch for the banks will follow.
      I am going to suggest that the unused areas be planted with white pine seedlings. They will
reduce labor as they get larger as well as provide screening of CC from the road. The cost is nominal

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